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There’s always been a bit of a debate over what is the best way to use landscape lighting. Do you light up the entire yard evenly? Or do you focus on certain areas and features to bring out their natural beauty? There are pros and cons to each approach. However, with new technology in outdoor landscape lighting, there’s no reason not to take advantage of all the benefits that beautiful landscape lighting can offer.

Attractive landscaping is the result of hard work and creative design—so why do so many homeowners fail to realize their landscape’s full potential?

A beautifully styled yard and home exterior can be a whole new world at night, yet they often remain lost in the dark or illuminated under ugly or insufficient lighting.

The good news is that an array of tools and techniques are available to help bring out the best in nighttime landscaping lighting, boosting safety and home security in the process.

The Debate Over “What Works”

Landscaping, in general, is a highly subjective pursuit; it ultimately comes down to personal taste and the desired function of the area. What is beautiful and creative to one may be an eyesore to another—and that is okay. A person’s home is their castle. That being said, there is definitely room for agreement as to what doesn’t work when it comes to landscaping lighting:

  • Overly bright, industrial-colored lighting in residential landscapes
  • Excessively large or ill-fitting outdoor light fixtures
  • Solo lighting or the “haunted house” effect
  • Obnoxiously loud colors or “the disco ball” effect

Creative landscaping doesn’t have to be unusual; it just has to enhance the landscape and create a specific atmosphere. A little trial and error are always okay—this is supposed to be fun, after all!

The following are some techniques used by successful landscape lighting professionals in Atlanta to bring the best out of any outdoor environment:

"Lights can be used strategically to create reflections and shadows"

“Lights can be used strategically to create reflections and shadows”

Find and Take Advantage of Shadow and Reflection Opportunities

A seemingly normal exterior wall may be a work of art in hiding; all that is required is some specially placed lighting. Spotlights of various intensities create noticeable and intriguing shadows off of plants, sculptures, building angles, or anything else in the yard.

This technique can work with both vibrant and more subdued earth colors and works equally in more shaded and brighter light schemes.

Reflections can also be cast upon lawns, rock areas, pools, ponds, and floors. This is one of the simplest ways to give landscaping a dramatic, enchanting glow.

Experiment with Colors and Contrast

While something like a blinding strobe light might not be the best fit for outdoor lighting, there is still no shortage of room for experimentation with bulb colors.

The simple white and yellow bulb remains the king of outdoor lighting, but more and more people are integrating various hues of blue, red, purple, and greens into their scheme.

Colored bulbs work well when used with the aforementioned shadowing and reflection techniques, adding additional contrast and creating a more artistic area of focus.

A moderate to bright red light will noticeably accentuate gardens and planted areas. Water features offer perhaps the most stunning canvas for colored lighting; those that have moving water provide ample opportunities for shimmer and bounce.

Lighting Does Not Have to be Organized

Organized lighting can be wonderful, particularly when used to line walkways or provide an even area of light. Lining walkways and driveways with equally spaced lights is a common practice for a reason—it looks great. However, landscaping tends to be more eclectic and abstract, and its lighting can be the same.

Having a uniform amount of light over an entire landscaping area isn’t unattractive, but it isn’t exactly inspiring either. Placing lights in a “staggered” manner throughout a yard or garden adds depth to the overall area, making it seem larger and more mysterious.

Get Started with Smart, Beautiful Outdoor Landscape Lighting

Now that you know the benefits of landscape lighting, it’s time to get started! Smart outdoor landscape lighting is a great way to improve your property value and create a beautiful landscape. With new technology, there’s no reason not to take advantage of all the benefits landscape lighting offers. So what are you waiting for? Get started by contacting NightVision Outdoor Lighting today!


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