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Having a spectacular and striking yard is easier than ever because of today’s many options in landscape lighting. To show off your home in the most impressive way, you need good landscape lighting right from the beginning. To plan good lighting, you need to understand a few basic landscape lighting methods. Once you do, you can make the exterior of your home something truly memorable. Consider these following techniques to enhance the outside of your home at night.

Basic Landscape Lighting Methods For Residential Homeowners

Up-Lighting & Down-Lighting

Homeowners can generally use up-lighting and down-lighting when it comes to illuminating a home’s exterior. Typically, outdoor lighting designers will use a combination of the two. Perhaps the most commonly used landscape lighting method is what is known as up-lighting. This type of outdoor illumination is typically used for trees. It can also be used to highlight other tall, vertical features in a yard.

In most cases, a lighting fixture is placed at the base of a tree or other object. The light is directed upward at a close angle to accentuate the shape of the tree or object. Sometimes multiple fixtures are used for up-lighting a single landscape feature. This helps to reduce the dark shadows that can occur with a single light source.

In most instances, one or two fixtures will suffice when trying to achieve this type of effect. When a tree has a broad canopy, the main focus may be the branches rather than just the trunk. To light a more expansive area, three or more fixtures may work in unison. This can create a glow or even a natural ceiling.

Conversely, down-lighting can be equally impressive when used in the right way. To create a unique down-lighting effect, place fixtures within the tree itself and angle them down to light the area below. This is often used to create artificial moonlight or to provide a wider field of light for highly trafficked areas.

Unique & Truly Impressive

These basic landscape lighting methods can be used to highlight flower gardens, a patio, or even an adjacent walkway. The height of the down-lighting fixtures will determine how large an area is lighted below. This is where creativity can take over and allows the homeowner or landscaper to design a unique and truly impressive backyard or front yard. Down-lighting can be very specific to highlight particular areas of interest. Or it may be broad enough to illuminate an entire large patio or deck. Low-level downward-facing lighting is also an effective alternative to lighting a pathway with path lights fixtures.

Creative Yard Lighting

Down-lighting is unique for several reasons, including that it casts interesting and unique shadows on your outdoor surfaces. This is especially true when it comes to paved surfaces. When light filters through tree branches, it can take on a whole new and different appeal. For artificial moonlight, a designer may install cooler lights high up in a tree. The light is intentionally blocked in part by leaves and tree limbs. This creates a realistically dappled light.

When you combine creative lighting and carefully planned landscaping—such as arbors, trellises, and garden structures—the result can be a fantastic outdoor space for all to enjoy. Taking the time to light your landscaping the right way will ultimately pay for itself. You’ll enjoy the results of your investment both in terms of compliments and even increased property value. Contact Night Vision Outdoor Lighting today for the best in Atlanta landscape lighting services.

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